All Prompts

Familiar Usage

Category: Monthly
Limit: 3 submissions per player per month

Use the Skills available to Familiars


Players that own Familiars with skills allowing them monthly boosts, can use this prompt up to 3 times a month. Each Familiar can use a skill once per month. Since Skills don't require any drawn or written submissions, just use your Familair's URL for the needed link.

The following skills can be used here:
  • Item fetch: Once a month a player may send this familiar to gather 1-2* items from a region of their choice.
  • Breeding redo: Once a player’s posted breeding is rolled, a player may reroll 1-2* offspring for a new random genotype using this familiar.
  • Tribute chaser: Once a month a player may send this familiar out to attempt to gather some Tribute Points. 50/50 for 2TP default, 25/75 for 2TP on shared months.
  • Mimic: Once per month this familiar may copy the skill of a different familiar owned by the same player.
when submitting please include (If applicable to your skill):
  • Skill being used.
  • Region being gathered in.
  • Link to MYO geno being rerolled.
  • Skill being copied with a link to the familair.


On approval, a staff member will comment with the items awarded and add them to your bank.



No rewards.
1 result found.